I just recently found out that the February 26, 1993 performance for “2 Meter Sessies” (a 90’s tv show in The Netherlands) is the same as the one for “Countdown Cafe” (radio show). I had been looking for years for a separate set of ‘Creep’ and ‘Plush’ from the latter show, but was unable to find it. Now I know why.
Also found out something even more interesting. This session was recorded when Scott and Eric were on a promotional tour of Europe, the band was not touring there at that time. There’s more than a handful related European music magazine interviews with either Eric or Scott or both, none with Robert or Dean.
Now about this “2 Meter Sessies” performance, I have never been able to find video footage, even though I know it has aired locally back in 1993. It must exist on some Dutch person’s old VHS tapes from ’93.
I read about it again in an article from a Dutch magazine Aardschok Metal Hammer (full article here). Eric says:
AMH: You also did an acoustic performance for ‘Countdown Cafe’.
Eric: “Yeah, that was fun. I played guitar instead of drums. A song like ‘Plush’ was written on acoustic and it’s always refreshing to be able to play a song for people in its original form. If it sounds good on acoustic, it will sound good through amps as well. It can be quite different the other way around. I love Ministry, but feel that any one of their songs won’t have the same effect when it’s done acoustically.”
I quickly looked up the audio recordings from this performance. And immediately I noticed something that totally went unnoticed before: The guitar. It’s not Dean’s style of playing. Not Robert’s. Hell, even some of the chords are not totally right. But it’s Scott singing. And also Scott singing the backing vocal overdubs usually sung by Rob (on ‘ Creep’). I Still have to check out the details of the guitar work on Creep. Must be Eric also.
Check out the performance of ‘Plush’ and ‘Creep’ here:
All in all something worth mentioning on here. What do you guys think?